Visiting this amazing place on the way to Céüse was very nice. We split the journey on half and spent three intensive climbing days on the long limestone walls. In Tarn you can ether wake up early and climb in the morning or wait until three o’clock and climb until the evening. After waking up early for couple of days we choose the second option. And more less like in Rodellar – we were spending lazy morning doing some lazy activities. Kasia was reading a very thick book. Piotrek was learning Russian. Noone knows whay but it sounds funny. Climbing in Tarn is of two styles. You can find easy grades usually those long routes. On the other hand there is a lot of short climbs and the grade is really hard. Real French scale I would say. So if you ever come to Tarn watch out the short routes as you might not be able to make a move on a difficulties you normally on sight. The long ones are different.
There is a really nice river in the valley. It is nice to spend time in the water when it gets hot in the noon. Some are making fun out of the canoe turism in Tarn. I think it is a very nice activity for a rest day. Funny – many climbing spots are famous not only because of climbing like Rodellar and canyoning. We left Tarn after those three days still willing to find some more chilly place to climb. That is why we go now to Céüse where you climb high in the mountains and it’s much colder because of that.